Lawsuit Settled for $3.1 Million Involving Teens Killed in Collision with Officer A $3.1 million lawsuit involving a t-bone collision between a car carrying two teenagers and a police officer has been settled. A police officer ran a red light and collided with a car carrying two teenagers. Both of the teenagers died. The officer […]
$1.25 Million Settlement Reached in Motorcycle Accident Case A lawsuit settled for $1.25 million involving a motorcycle accident. The case was settled without the need for any litigation. A young client was involved in the case who had suffered serious injuries in a motorcycle accident. The client made a miraculous recovery and is now financially […]
$1.75 Million Settlement Reached to Son of Woman Killed in Car Accident The estate of Edith Jo Schumucker, who was one of four people killed in the crash that killed Representative Jackie Walorski, has received a $1.75 million wrongful death settlement. On Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022, Shumucker of Nappanee died in a car accident on […]
GoPro Cameras Helps Settle Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit for $1.25 Million A motorcycle accident lawsuit was settled for $1.25 million after GoPro cameras helped provide substantial evidence. The plaintiffs’ counsel faced a challenge because it was unclear whether the incident was the result of road rage. Andrew Fallucca, the plaintiff, was riding his motorcycle down Debry […]
Atlanta Wrongful Death Car Accident Settles $10 Million Lawsuit A $10 million lawsuit was awarded to the family of a woman involved in a fatal car accident in Atlanta that resulted in her death. Rosie Minor, an ordained preacher and Bible study leader, was killed while turning left from Memorial Drive onto Hearthstone Drive. Ms. […]
St. Joseph County Settles $5 Million Lawsuit with Family in Deadly Pond Crash The family of two young children, who died in a car accident after their car slid into a pond in 2019, received a $5 million settlement. The settlement for the Kleven family was approved by the St. Joseph County Commissioners. They filed […]
$36 Million Awarded to a New Mexico Family in Fatal Collision A Santa Fe jury awards $36 million to a Valencia County family who filed a lawsuit against an insurance company following a horrific head-on collision in 2017. A woman was killed in the collision, and her 4-year-old nephew was injured. Jurors determined that the […]
$750,000 Settlement Reached After Driver Struck Child Exiting School Bus A $750,000 settlement was reached after a driver struck an 8-year-old boy exiting a school bus. An 8-year-old student was a passenger on a school bus. When the school bus arrived at the student’s house, it came to a complete stop. While the student exited […]
$500,000 Settlement Reached for 31 Year Old Man in Auto Accident On September 25, 2023, a $500,000 settlement was reached in an Essex County case involving Hernan Xavier Arias-Diaz, a 31-year-old Neward, New Jersey, resident. On November 7, 2018, Arias-Diaz was T-boned on the driver’s side by a Sprinter van on Wilson Avenue in Neward. […]
$250,000 Settlement Awarded for Kentucky Army Veteran Injured in Car Accident A $250,000 settlement was reached for a Kentucky Army veteran who sustained life-changing injuries in a car accident. In October 2018, the victim drove with his brother on 31-W in Franklin, Kentucky, just outside Bowling Green. They were stuck behind a limousine. The limousine […]